Singing Guide: Boris Gardiner

Singing Guide: Boris Gardiner

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you aim to learn how to sing like Boris Gardiner, there are a few techniques you can employ to emulate his style:

  • Start with Farinelli Breathing exercise and appropriate vocal warm-ups to improve breath control and overall vocal performance.
  • Listen and study Boris Gardiner's songs closely, borrowing his style. Practice famous hits such as "I Want to Wake Up with You" by using correct vowel formations.
  • Work on your vocal range and flexibility using Vocal range test tool that can be found in the Singing Carrots website.
  • Use contemporary vocal techniques like Twang which Boris employs frequently. The link to the instructional video on How to Twang exercise can be located in the Resources section.
  • Practice your chest voice projection using instructional videos like Chest Voice Explained found in the Skills-Related Videos section.
  • Get professional guidance and support from experts who can help refine your technique. Check out the 21-lesson Educational singing course offered by Singing Carrots for more opportunities to learn and improve.

Although learning to sing like Boris Gardiner takes time and dedication, applying these techniques can help you develop your own unique style that captures the essence of this iconic artist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.